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Saturday, 30 April 2011

Avenged Sevenfold

Hey Everyone

So this post is for you avenged sevenfold fans. Now if you remember back to when Nightmare was about to come out, A7X kept leaking clues and parts of the album on their website. E.g. anagrams, fill in the missing letters, highlight the website to find hidden buttons. Well today on twitter i woke up to find that they are at it again so here is the first clue:
_ _ I _ Y O _ _ S, N _ W E _ I _ M _ _ E
2nd clue
S_ I R _ BB_D Y_ _ B_ _ ND
I think that they are song lyrics, and i have my ideas on what it is what do you think?  Hopefully there will be more clues tonight?


  1. evil yours now evil mine but i don't know the second 1 :S awesome though :D

  2. I think it is "so i robbed you blind"
